From 27 May until 23 June 2011, Hilger Brot-Kunsthalle in Vienna (Austria) presents “255,804 km² – Young Art from the Former Yugoslavia“, naming the size of the then-Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in its title. The exhibition assembles works from 30 artists who were born in this state that broke down in 1991-1992. This collapse led to several wars; most of their conflicts are still unresolved.

This group show was curated by Alenka Gregorič and co-curated by Mateja Podlesnik; it comprises works from the following artists:
- Ervin Babić
- Aleksandra Domanović
- Dušica Dražić
- Neda Firfova
- Bekim Gllogu
- Ibro Hasanović
- Gjorgje Jovanovik
- Verica Kovačevska
- Arman Kulašić
- Mladen Miljanović
- Alban Muja
- Fatmir Mustafa – Carlo
- Andrea Palašti
- Vedran Perkov
- Renata Poljak
- Danilo Prnjat
- Irena Sladoje
- SofijaSilvia
- son:DA
- Small but Dangers
- Ivana Smiljanić
- Mladen Stropnik
- Goran Škofić
- Marko Tadić
- Nikola Uzunovski
- Katarina Zdjelar
- Lulzim Zeqiri
- Velimir Zernovski
27 May – 23 June 2011, Th-Sa 1200-1800h
Opening: 26 May 2011, 1900h
Absberggasse 27, Stair 1
1100 Vienna