From 2 to 4 June 2011, the Akademie für politische Bildung Tutzing (Academy for Civic Education Tutzing, Germany) is organising a conference on culture in political conflicts named “Panzer gegen Statuen – Kultur in politischen Konflikten” (Tanks vs. Statues). Headed by Dr. Saskia Hieber and Dr. Ondřej Kalina , the symposium addresses issues from Iraq, Egypt, the Silk Road, the Balkans and Afghanistan.

The invited speakers include Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarz-Schilling (UN’s High Representative and EU’s Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina a.D.) and Botschafter Dr. Heinrich Kreft (Sonderbeauftragter für den Dialog zwischen den Kulturen, Auswärtiges Amt).
Panzer gegen Statuen – Kultur in politischen Konflikten
2 to 4 June 2011
Applications until 27 May 2011
Conference fee 85,- € incl. accommodation (concessions 55,- €)
Akademie für politische Bildung Tutzing e.V.
Buchensee 1
82327 Tutzing