The British Academy of Film and Televion Arts presented on 8 February in London this year’s BAFTA Film Awards. Of the various nominated movies dealing with war and terror (as reported by Wartist), at least two have been awarded: Continue reading “BAFTA Film Awards 2009”
Tag: Filme
The Berlinale begins: Movies about War, Terror and Security
Today’s beginning Berlinale is regarding itself as a political film festival. Thus it is hardly surprising how many films in this year’s Programme bear relation to war, terrorism, extermination or displacement, as already been announced at Wartist. Following, a few words about the relevant movies in this regard, including, of course, links to further information. The titles have been sorted alphabetically according to their section within the programme. Continue reading “The Berlinale begins: Movies about War, Terror and Security”
How to happily perish
Benjamim Maack wrote an interesting article on the work of Heinz Rühmann during Nazi Germany, to be read at SPIEGEL online from January 28th 2009. Continue reading “How to happily perish”
Berlinale – Berlin Film Festival Programme online
The Programme of the 59th Berlinale (Berlin International Film Festival, February 5th – 15th 2009) is online from today. Continue reading “Berlinale – Berlin Film Festival Programme online”
Embedded Art – Art in the Name of Security
On January 23rd 2009 at 1900h, the exhibition Embedded Art – Art in the Name of Security in the Akademie der Künste (Academy of the Arts) will open in Berlin.1 The exhibition’s concept was designed by the artists’ group BBM (Beobachter der Bediener von Maschinen, Observers of Operators of Machines) that exists since 1989, together with the Akademie der Künste. Continue reading “Embedded Art – Art in the Name of Security”
- Akademie der Künste, Pariser Platz 4, 10117 Berlin, Tel. +49-30/200 57-1000 ↩
For my Father (German release date)
The Israeli-German movie “For my Father” (Sof Shavua B’Tel Aviv; German: Alles für meinen Vater) about a Palestinian suicide bomber is getting released today in Germany. Continue reading “For my Father (German release date)”
Valkyrie (European Premiere)
Another excellent German film title (not): The Hitler errr Stauffenberg Assassination. “Valkyrie” already rocked the media boot a little bit: how could the bloody American dare to picturise a thoroughly German hero’s epic like that of the conspirators of 20 July 1944, while there are already quite some German films about it? But there were even more signs of the Occident’s doom, as its leading actor is not even a proper Christian! Now, the film premieres in Europe. Continue reading “Valkyrie (European Premiere)”
BAFTA Film Awards 2009 – Nominees

On 15 January 2009, the nominees for this year’s BAFTA Awards of the British Academy of Film and Television Arts have been announced. The awards ceremony will be held on 8 February 2009 at the Royal Opera House in London (UK) and is regarded to be a preview to the Oscar awards (similar to the Golden Globes, awared on 11 January). Continue reading “BAFTA Film Awards 2009 – Nominees”
59th Berlinale – Berlin International Film Festival
The 59th Berlinale (Berlin International Film Festival) will be held between February 5th and 15th 2009. One can expect some interesting movies on the subject. The programme will be published on January 27th 2009.