The ambitious exhibition “The Third World in World War II” travels to Osnabrück to the Erich Maria Remarque-Friedenszentrum. A “forgotten chapter in history” is to be illuminated, according to the curators.

Connecting War and the Arts
The ambitious exhibition “The Third World in World War II” travels to Osnabrück to the Erich Maria Remarque-Friedenszentrum. A “forgotten chapter in history” is to be illuminated, according to the curators.
Moeller Fine Art shows in its Berlin gallery the multifaceted group exhibition “Manifest Destiny” with photographs, installations, sculptures, collages and drawings by Mildred Howard (USA), Tom Molloy (Ireland) and Simon Norfolk (Nigeria/UK). The title refers to the homonymous 19th-century-doctrine that was also used to legitimate the territorial expansion of the USA as God’s will.
The Deutsche Hygiene-Museum (German Hygiene Museum) in Dresden presents from 4 April to 9 August 2009 the comprehensive exhibition “Krieg und Medizin” (War and Medicine). It has been organised in cooperation with the Wellcome Collection in London, where the exhibition could be seen from 22 November 2008 to 15 February 2009. The multifaceted Ausstellung exposition includes 450 exhibits on 800m²: photos, surgical instruments, prostheses, documents, but also video installations, paintings and other works of art. A visit is highly recommended.
Continue reading “Exhibition: War and Medicine (Dresden)”
US Defence Secretary Robert M. Gates allows picturing the coffins of dead US soldiers after their return to the USA at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, as long as their relatives agree. Thus, a decision made in February 1991 during the Gulf War has been revoked. Continue reading “Gates allows Photos of Soldiers’ Coffins”