Opening: Don McCullin – The Impossible Peace (C/O Berlin)

During five decades, photo journalist Don McCullin documented environmental and man-made disasters such as urban unrests, social ills, wars and epidemics. C/O Berlin presents some 150 black-and-white and colour photos from the complete works of McCullin for the first time in Berlin. The retrospective with its sanguine title “The Impossible Peace” looks back to an impressive half-centennial lifework.

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Opening: “Manifest Destiny” at Moeller Fine Art (Berlin)

Moeller Fine Art shows in its Berlin gallery the multifaceted group exhibition “Manifest Destiny” with photographs, installations, sculptures, collages and drawings by Mildred Howard (USA), Tom Molloy (Ireland) and Simon Norfolk (Nigeria/UK). The title refers to the homonymous 19th-century-doctrine that was also used to legitimate the territorial expansion of the USA as God’s will.

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Donald vs. Hitler (Spiegel)

In the German news magazine Spiegel, Sven Stillich published a short article on animated short movies that had been produced in the USA during the Second World War. Stylistics and motivation were quite different. The most known movie will be Disney’s “Der Fuehrer’s Face” from 1943, in which Donald Duck has a nightmare in “Nutzi Land”.

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The Generational: Younger Than Jesus (NYC)

The  New Museum in New York, founded in 1977, openes on 8 April 2009 its first triennale “The Generational: Younger Than Jesus” with works by 50 young artists from 25 countries, united by their age of less than 33. Some 145 works will be presented in the exhibit, making it quite varied, according to the background and themes of the artists, but also to the form, ranging from paintings and photography to film and animation, and from installation and performance to computer games. It remains interesting if the high artistic value implied in the exhibit’s title will meet its equivalent in reality.


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NATO: Obama Cake for the 60th

Currently, NATO is holding its summit in Strasbourg, Kehl and Baden-Baden, commemorating the organisation’s 60th anniversary. While the third city is not mentioned at all in the official programme (“Strasbourg-Kehl Summit“), the local confectioner Klaus Vollmer designed a “NATO welcomes Obama cake“.

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