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Tag: Performance
Lisa Glauer: “…later, she will build nuclear vessels” (OKK Berlin)
From 22 February until 3 March 2013, Berlin-based gallery Organ kritischer Kunst (OKK, organ of critical arts) presents the exhibition “…später baut sie Atomschiffe” (…later, she will build nuclear vessels” with works by Lisa Glauer. The exhibition will be opened with the performance “experimental production of evidence by visualisation”. Lisa Glauer uses breast milk as material for her works. This project is part of her PhD dissertation on Art and Design at Bauhaus University Weimar.

54th Biennale di Venzia: USA – Gloria (Allora & Calzadilla)
The Pavilion of the United States is – regardless of its Wartist-specific content – certainly one of the most compelling on the 54th Venice Biennale. Designed by the artist duo Allora & Calzadilla, “Gloria” consists of six sculptural installations, often including performance. The artists skilfully discuss social aspects, from the worship of money in capitalism about dealing with war and remembrance to freedom.
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Don’t miss it: La Biennale di Venezia
Soon, THE art event of 2011 is about to begin: on 4 June, the 54th Biennale di Venezia, curated by Bice Curiger with this time’s title “ILLUMInazioni” will be opened. Again this year, critics will point out how very outdated national pavillons are in the time of globalisation. And again this year, the many national pavillons will demonstrate the different ways of (re)presenting art.

255.804 km² – Young Art from the Former Yugoslavia (Brot Kunsthalle, Vienna)
From 27 May until 23 June 2011, Hilger Brot-Kunsthalle in Vienna (Austria) presents “255,804 km² – Young Art from the Former Yugoslavia“, naming the size of the then-Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in its title. The exhibition assembles works from 30 artists who were born in this state that broke down in 1991-1992. This collapse led to several wars; most of their conflicts are still unresolved.

Embedded Art – Art in the Name of Security
On January 23rd 2009 at 1900h, the exhibition Embedded Art – Art in the Name of Security in the Akademie der Künste (Academy of the Arts) will open in Berlin.1 The exhibition’s concept was designed by the artists’ group BBM (Beobachter der Bediener von Maschinen, Observers of Operators of Machines) that exists since 1989, together with the Akademie der Künste. Continue reading “Embedded Art – Art in the Name of Security”
- Akademie der Künste, Pariser Platz 4, 10117 Berlin, Tel. +49-30/200 57-1000 ↩
Michel Valentino: Valkyrie – Return of a Myth
Michel Valentino’s disturbing Works on “Valkyrie – Return of a Myth”
Reading on the current coverage of today’s German release date of the movie Valkyrie,1 I came across the both impressive and disturbing works of Michel Valentino.
Continue reading “Michel Valentino: Valkyrie – Return of a Myth”
- See the Wartist entry on the German movie title; the European premiere of Valkyrie was on 20 January 2009. ↩