Catalyst: Contemporary Art and War (Imperial War Museum North, Manchester)

From 12 October 2013 until 23 February 2014, the Imperial War Museum North in Manchester presents the exhibition “Catalyst: Contemporary Art and War”, containing works of more than 40 contemporary artists about war in our time. The IWM’s huge and diverse collection could provide all the more than 70 works that have been made sinde the Gulf War of 1990/91. Among others, Steve McQueen, Frauke Eigen, Paul Seawright, Rasheed Araeen and Willie Doherty take part in this exhibition.

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Gavrilo Princip (Galerie im Weltecho, Chemnitz)

From 7 September until 4 October 2013, the gallery at Weltecho in Chemnitz presents the video installation “Gavrilo Princip” by the two Czech artists Jana Morkovska and Olga Alia Krulisova. In their work, they address the historic events of the assassination of the Austro-Hungarian heir apparent  Archduke Franz Ferdinand on 28 June 1914, in which his wife was killed, too. This assassination is regarded as trigger for a chain of events that led to the First World War.

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War Horse (Theater des Westens, Berlin)

On 20 October 2013, “Gefährten” (fellows), the German adaptation of the impressive production War Horse (originally at London’s National Theatre) will premiere at Berlin’s Theater des Westens. Like Steven Spielberg’s failed film, is is based upon the same-named children’s novel by Michael Morpurgo from 1982 and is a story about an unlike friendship between a boy and an extraordinary horse, but it also addresses social issues, dependency and loss, and not the least war, shown here using the example of the First World War.

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Margret Eicher: Once Upon a Time in Mass Media (Berlin)

From 25 July until 8 September 2013, conceptual artist Margret Eicher presents media tapestries in the exhibition “Once Upon a Time in Mass Media” at the Kleine Orangerie am Schloss Charlottenburg in Berlin. In these large-format collages, she addresses media images and their social reception in various ways. The chosen form of expression plays a major role, too: tapestries once were tools of (self-) representation of power and authority. In Eicher’s works, too, there are numerous references on war and violence.

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Wartist Presents: Panel Discussion “Quo Vadis Afghanistan?”, Bavarian Army Museum (Ingolstadt)

We would like to invite all interested guests to the security political panel discussion “Quo Vadis Afghanistan?” with experts from Berlin, Brussels, Eschborn and Ingolstadt as part of our recently opened exhibition “Landscapes & Memory” with photographs by Jo Röttger. The panel discussion will take place in the Neues Schloß (New Castle), the main building of the Bavarian Army Museum, on Monday, 10 June 2013 from 1800h to 2000h and is followed by a small reception, offering the opportunity to continue the talks.

Wartist Presents: „Landscapes & Memory“ – Photos by Jo Röttger, Bavarian Army Museum (Ingolstadt)

On 28 May 2013, the exhibition „Landscapes & Memory“ by Hamburg-based photographer Jo Röttger will open at Bayerisches Armeemuseum (Bavarian Army Museum) in Ingolstadt. In 27 large-format photos with their picture language that reminds of romanticism, Röttger approaches landscapes and identity while addressing desire and alienation as well as the ongoing war in Afghanistan. A bilingual catalogue will be published on the occasion of the exhibition, curated by Martin Bayer (Wartist).

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Concert: Revered – Banned – Drowned (Berlin)

On the occasion of the opening of the exhibition “verfemt, verfolgt – vergessen? Kunst und Künstler im Nationalsozialismus”1 the chamber symphonic orchestra Kammersymphonie Berlin, conducted by Jürgen Bruns, will play  the concert Verehrt – verfemt – versunken2 at Nikolaikirche (St. Nicholas Church), Berlin’s oldest church. The concert consists of worky by Franz Schreker, Gideon Klein, Erich Zeisl, Egon Wellesz and Pavel Haas. They ranked as the most revered composers of their times, but due to Nazi persecution and murder, they vanished into oblivion. Both the concert and the exhibition are part of the theme year “Diversity Destroyed”. Continue reading “Concert: Revered – Banned – Drowned (Berlin)”

  1. banned, persecuted – forgotten? Art and Artists under National Socialism ↩
  2. revered – banned – drowned ↩

banned, persecuted – forgotten? Art and Artists under National Socialism (Berlin)

From 16 March until 28 July 2013, Stadtmuseum Berlin presents the exhibition “verfemt, verfolgt – vergessen? Kunst und Künstler im Nationalsozialismus”1 with various works from the impressive Collection Gerhard Schneider at its location Emphraim-Palais. On the occasion of the theme year “Diversity Destroyed” on the Nazi’s takeover 100 years ago, the Stadtmuseum Berlin thus remembers  the methodic defamation of modern art, up to destruction of artworks and lives. The exhibition is dedicated to all artists who had been banned, persecuted or even murdered, and whose works and lives have been nearly forgotten. It is therefore even more necessary to remember their suffering, but not the least their lives and works, to snatch them from oblivion.

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