“Augen geradeaus!” is back alive

Thomas Wigold is one of the few versed German journalists who are specialised on defence matters. His blog Augen geradeaus! (Eyes front!)1was always a pleasure to read. Unfortunately, it was disused for a few months; from today, the blog is back alive and can be reached under a new address.

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  1. Augen geradeaus! in German does not only mean the military command “Eyes front!”, but also the advice to look ahead. ↩

Opening: “End Time Europe” (Osnabrück)

The Erich Maria Remarque Friedenszentrum (Erich Maria Remarque Peace Centre) in Osnabrück shows from 20 August 2010 onwards the travelling exhibition “Endzeit Europa” (End Time Europe – A Collective Diary of French and German Authors 1914-1918) by the Brandenburgisches Literaturbüro in Potsdam. Private texts by French and German authors will be shown, together with impressive colour photos by the photographers Jules Gervais-Courtellemont and Hans Hildenbrand.

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Please no Military: 100 Years German Navy School Mürwik (Commemorative Envelope)

On 21 November 2010, German Naval Academy Mürwik as the main training establishment for all German Navy officers celebrates its 100th anniversary. On this occasion, the Deutsche Post (German postal services) issues on 12 August 2010 a so-called “Ganzdrucksache” (stamped commemorative envelope), a C6 envelope with printed commemorative picture and a stamp of 0,55€ for a price of 0,75€ plus shipping and handling.

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Opening: Extraschrot @ “A Fistfull of Life” (Berlin)

The artist group Extraschrot of Katharina Arndt and Gero Neumeister shows some of their works in another exhibition, this time e.g. the light installation “Vorsprung durch Technik I” (2009; click on the image for an animation).

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Bice Curiger will curate the 54th International Art Exhibition in Venice

The Board of the Biennale di Venezia, chaired by Paolo Baratta, has met today and appointed Bice Curiger as Director of the Visual Arts Sector, with specific responsibility for curating the 54th International Art Exhibition to be held in 2011. Congratulations!

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Wartist presents: Textile Art – Matter of Conflict

From 21 May 2010, textile artist Jan Bejšovec will show a selection of his unusual works in the premises of the Berlin-based political consultancy republik movida GmbH. The exhibition Textilkunst aus Konfliktstoff (“Textile Art – Matter of Conflict”) is curated by Martin Bayer (Wartist.org), with a welcome address by Siegmund Ehrmann, MP and cultural political spokesperson of the SPD’s parliamentary group. Continue reading “Wartist presents: Textile Art – Matter of Conflict”

New Stalin Memorial Unveiled

Already on 5 May 2010, a memorial for Stalin was unveiled in the south-Ukrainian city of Zaporizhia. While it is of no special artistic importance (it could have been put on this way some 60 years ago; maybe there was even an old bust to be used for a mould?), it is even more so politically.

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Peter Sauerer

A friend called our attention to the works of Peter Sauerer: his wooden sculptures are often in a small scale and address history, celebrities and our memory and imagination. For this, he is often making use of irony if not mockery without trivialising his subjects. The spatially small works condense the issues and commit the viewer to take a thorough look at them.

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Opening: The 3rd World in World War II (Osnabrück)

The ambitious exhibition “The Third World in World War II” travels to Osnabrück to the Erich Maria Remarque-Friedenszentrum. A “forgotten chapter in history” is to be illuminated, according to the curators.

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